Thursday 12 June 2014

lying on the

Correct sleeping posture:

A good sleeping posture is defined as the position in which the healthy spine alignment is maintained while lying down with the minimal amount of strain being placed on the muscles, tendons and ligaments. On the other hand, bad sleeping posture places strain on the spinal disc, spinal nerves, muscles, tendons and ligaments, pulling the entire body out of the alignment. As such, this explains why poor sleeping posture can results in neck pain, back pain and even sciatica.

Many doctors agree that back is best. Snoozing in savasana pose is a boon for spine and neck health, because the back is straight and not forced into any contortions. And back sleeping is great because it helps the mattress do its job of supporting the spine. Everyone would sleep on their backs without a pillow, as this position leaves the neck in a neutral position. Using too many pillows can also make breathing more difficult.

Instances of snoring and sleep apnea are much more frequent when a person is sleeping in the supine position. In fact, back sleeping is so closely linked to sleep apnea that doctors prescribe side sleeping as a treatment for the condition . That’s possibly because when we sleep on our backs, gravity forces the base of the tongue to collapse into the airway, which obstructs breathing 

Friday 6 June 2014

frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is a term collectively used to describe a variety of conditions which lead to stiffness and restriction of movement in the shoulder joint. The technical term is adhesive capsulitis, that is, stiffness and inflammation in the shoulder joint capsule (a structure that encloses the joint). The shoulder complex consists of 4 different joints and is a highly mobile joint complex that gives 3 degrees of freedom. But it also gets restricted very quickly. Frozen shoulder usually means restriction of only the ball and socket type (Gleno-humeral) of shoulder joint. 
Causes/ Risk factors

The exact cause can at times be unknown but there are a number of factors that can increase the risk of acquiring this condition.
Immobilization: 1) post traumatic- fractures, soft tissue injuries (tendon or                                                ligament)
                           2) After any surgery around shoulder joint- breast surgeries
                           3) generalized debility causing disuse

Neurological conditions: stroke, any variation in muscle tone leading to improper use of the joint.

Repetitive stress disorders: activities that involve overuse of the joint that causes micro trauma to soft tissues which in turn causes pain and disuse.


Age: senility can predispose a person to adhesive capsulitis.

Stages of frozen shoulder:

1)     Painful stage. During this stage, pain occurs with any movement of your shoulder, and your shoulder's range of motion starts to become limited.
2)     Frozen stage. Pain may begin to diminish during this stage. However, your shoulder becomes stiffer, and your range of motion decreases notably.
3)     Thawing stage. During the thawing stage, the range of motion in your shoulder begins to improve.


Patients can take anti-inflammatory and pain killers in the initial stage to reduce pain and swelling. If painkillers are not helping control the pain, it may be possible to have a corticosteroid injection in your shoulder joint.

Electrotherapeutic modalities like ultrasound can help reduce pain and inflammation in stage 1. It can also help break down adhesions and promote healing.

Exercise is the mainstay in treating frozen shoulder. Most patients respond well to home exercise programs.
Exercises involve mobility exercises that move the joint in all directions and through different ranges within pain limit initially and then can be taken slightly beyond.
Stretching of muscles and joint capsule can be done by the therapist or even self stretches taught to the patient.
Joint mobilizations administered by a physiotherapist. These involve passive glides to the joint that can help break adhesions, improve mobility and even reduce pain.
Most patients respond very well to conservative management. In rare cases surgical intervention may be required.

Some of the interventions may be:-
Manipulation under general anesthesia
Arthroscopic release of the capsule

Further reading

Wednesday 4 June 2014

suryanamaskar and its benefits


The surya namaskar or sun salutation yoga asana is one of the oldest yoga exercises known to man. The exercise has been practiced for centuries and is one of the most popular and well acclaimed yoga
postures. The exercise consists of 10 sequences, with each posture counteracting the preceding one, producing a balance between flexion and extension, performed with synchronized breathing and
aerobic activity .


Practicing Surya Namaskar is beneficial for the health of digestive system. It stretches the abdominal muscles. Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps to lose excessive belly fat and gives flat stomach.

Surya Namaskar is the ideal exercise to cope with insomnia and related disorders. Surya Namaskar practice calms the mind, thus helps to get sound sleep.

Surya Namaskar practice regulates irregular menstrual cycles. Practicing Surya Namaskar ensures the easy childbirth. It helps to decrease the fear of pregnancy and childbirth.

Surya Namaskar practice boosts blood circulation and helps to prevent hair graying, hair fall, and dandruff. It also improves the growth of hair making it long.

Regular practice of Surya Namaskar helps to lose extra calories and reduce fat. It helps to stay thin. Practicing Surya Namaskar is the easiest way to be in shape.

Sun salutation exercise helps to add glow on your face making facial skin radiant and ageless. It is the natural solution to prevent onset of wrinkles.

Regular practice of sun salutation boosts endurance power. It gives vitality and strength. It also reduces the feeling of restlessness and anxiety.

Daily practice of Surya Namaskar makes body flexible. It improves flexibility in spine and in limbs.
It is beneficial to practice Surya Namaskar early in the morning. The early morning sunrays are rich source of vitamin D that is necessary to get strong bones and clear vision.

Suryanamaskar benefits not just adults, but kids as well.